Cycle 47 Tribal Health Program Development Grants
SCDD is seeking a grantee to actively engage with Indigenous PwI/DD and their families, Tribal health organizations, and other collaborative partners in California to provide plain language materials, outreach, and training opportunities to connect Native Americans with critical health-related supports, services and information about developmental and medical/dental/mental health determinants, risks, and needs.
For federal fiscal year (FFY) 2025, the Council has designated a total amount of $125,000 to fund a Cycle 47 project focused on fostering relationships with Tribal health organizations to increase the Native American community’s access to culturally sensitive, plain language curriculum, information, and resources pertaining to health-related topics, as they relate to people and families with I/DD. The Council will consider all proposal submissions and choose one (1) or more grant-funded projects that will not exceed the full $125,000 budgeted amount. The duration of this grant project will cover an 18-month period, beginning on March 1st, 2025 and ending August 31st, 2026.
The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) recognizes that Tribal communities have historically been underserved, including those families and people with intellectual, developmental (PwI/DD), and/or other disabilities and is invested in ensuring that all Californians with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and their families have an opportunity to receive quality, accessible health-related information, training, supports/services, and/or resources.