13 Feb
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – WBGSH
Grant Amount: Maximum Grant Amount: not specified
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is accepting proposals for the Western Big Game Seasonal Habitat and Migration Corridors Fund.
for projects that improve the quality of ungulate seasonal habitat, stopover areas, and migration corridors on federal land and/or voluntary efforts on private and Tribal land that have been prioritized by states as a result of Interior Secretarial Order 3362 (SO 3362) or Native nations.
Projects will promote robust, sustainable populations of big game such as elk, mule deer and pronghorn, have positive effects on a wide diversity of other species and implement strategies that increase habitat connectivity and climate resiliency.
All proposals must outline specifically how projects will directly address state game and fish (wildlife) department priorities as identified in state action plans, or specific priority projects on Tribal lands.
Funding priorities to conserve or restore habitat and measurably contribute to the sustainability of local and regional ungulate populations include:
- Restoring degraded priority habitat, stopover areas, and migration corridors through activities identified in state or Indigenous plans, such as removing encroaching trees from sagebrush ecosystems, rehabilitating areas damaged by fire, or treating exotic/invasive vegetation to improve the quality and value of these areas to big game and other wildlife.
- Work cooperatively with diverse partners to achieve wildlife friendly fencing measures, including potentially modifying (via smooth wire), removing (if no longer necessary), installing (if serving to direct big game movement out of harm’s way), or seasonally adapting (seasonal lay down) fencing if proven to impede movement of big game through priority migration corridors or habitat.
- Implement measures such as conservation easements and management agreements or other actions to protect bottlenecks within corridors and other areas within priority habitat or stopover areas threatened by fragmentation.
- Utilize other proven actions to improve priority big game seasonal habitat, stopover areas, or migration corridors across the West.
- Develop and support positions that further the above priorities with specific funds available to support NRCS programs.
A minimum 1:1 non-federal match is required as in-kind or cash contributions.