Summary of Experience/Services Offered
Board Member Recruiting
Board DEI Consulting
Nonprofit Governance Webinars
• Board Member Recruiting: Pathways to LEAD deploys state-of-the-art executive recruiting techniques to bring Latino talent to the nonprofit boardroom. Candidates for board vacancies apply directly, are nominated by third-parties, or are identified through vigorous referral source outreach. Latinos LEAD taps into its robust database of candidate profiles to begin the search, following leads and seeking the optimum alignment between the candidate’s competencies and the priorities of the nonprofit organization. Latinos LEAD screens and interviews promising candidates, then offers the selection committee a slate of strong nominees.
• Promoting Inclusion: Inclusion Readiness Intake helps nonprofit organizations lay a foundation for the successful recruitment and retention of Latino governing board members. Latinos LEAD collaborates with your executive and board teams to develop inclusion guidance customized for your programming, strategic position, target population, and service area demographics. This service is an option for organizations participating in either Premier Board Recruiting or the Board Solutions Network.
• Leadership Development: Ready to LEAD Ready to LEAD offers three webinars designed to prepare Latino professionals for effective service as nonprofit governing board members. Webinar participants receive the Ready to LEAD Toolkit, which includes references and links to other resources in professional development, nonprofit leadership, and nonprofit organization management. Webinar sessions: Fundamentals in Nonprofit Governance; Nonprofit Finance & Fundraising; and Advanced Topics in Nonprofit Governance & Inclusion.