California Advanced Services Fund: Broadband Public Housing Account – July 2025 Cycle
The basis of the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Broadband Public Housing Account is to provide grants and loans to finance projects to build broadband networks offering free broadband service for residents of low-income communities.
The CASF Broadband Public Housing Account provides grants and loans to build broadband networks offering free broadband service for residents of low-income communities including, but not limited to, publicly supported housing developments, farmworker housing, and other housing developments or mobile home parks with low-income residents that do not have access to any broadband service provider that offers free broadband service that meets or exceeds state standards for the residents of the low-income community. The allocated funding for the Broadband Public Housing Account is $30.1 million for fiscal year 2024-2025. The Broadband Public Housing Account will award grants to finance up to 100 percent of the costs to install last mile infrastructure, inside wiring and broadband network equipment but will not finance operations and maintenance costs through this program.