
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxitssa periculiser ex, nihil expetendis in mei eis an pericula es aperiri deprecatis.

05 May

California Department of Parks and Recreation – Local Agency Land and Water Conservation Fund

  Grant Amount: not specified


California Department of Parks and Recreation is accepting applications for the for the Local Agency Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Funding is available for the acquisition or development of outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Priority development projects include trails, campgrounds, picnic areas, natural areas and cultural areas for recreational use. Property acquired or developed under the program must be maintained in perpetuity for public outdoor recreation use.
The maximum grant request amount cannot exceed 50% of the total project cost. Match is a minimum of 50% of the Total Project Cost.


Eligible Local and Non-State Agencies:
Cities and counties

Federally recognized Native American tribes

Joint Powers Authorities (JPA) where all members are public agencies. A JPA can include a state agency if at least one member is a local (non-state) public agency or district, and the JPA was formed for the purpose of providing PARK and recreation areas.

Non-state agency recreation and park districts and special districts with authority to acquire, operate, and maintain public park and recreation areas.

More Information

For more information, visit: https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=21360


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