Reusable Beverage Containers Infrastructure Grant Program (FY 2022-23)
The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) received an appropriation of $25,000,000 from AB 179 Budget Act of 2022 to support a deposit-return system for reusable beverage containers consistent with Section 14539 of the Public Resources Code.
The fundamental goal of the Program is to provide infrastructure and start-up costs related to a deposit-return system for glass reusable containers in the Beverage Container Recycling Program. The goal of the Program is to create a reusable glass beverage container processing stream within California to support a circular economy.
Eligible applicants include:
·Local governments (cities, counties, or cities and counties) as defined in Public Resources Code section 30109.
·Nonprofit organizations.
·Qualifying Tribal Entities.
·Private, for-profit entities.
Eligible projects include:
Infrastructure costs and start-up costs related to setting up a deposit-return system for glass California CRV reusable beverage containers.
Eligible costs and activities will be described in the application documents. Proposed eligible costs may include:
·Equipment related to setting up a reusable glass bottle deposit-return system (e.g., new bottle washer [parts/components for the system], forklift, office equipment).
·Software technology related to the project.
·Supplies and materials related to setting up a reusable glass bottle deposit-return system (e.g., collection bins, shelving, racks, or storage for reusable products).
·Personnel directly related to the project (limited to 10% of the total request amount excluding equipment).
·Training for grantees’ employees on new equipment and certifications needed to implement the project.
·Construction, renovation, or expansion costs of facilities connected to installation and/or retrofitting of the equipment at the location.
·Outreach and education activities related to the project.