Applicant organizations must be 501(c)(3) tax-exempt or a school.
Organization must be within 50 miles of a Westinghouse site. (https://www.westinghousenuclear.com/about/regional-operations/americas)
There are other eligibility restrictions, please read the guidelines carefully.
An organization that wants to apply for this grant must compose a formal proposal with specific requirements. For a proposal to be considered by the Westinghouse Charitable Giving Advisory Board, not only must it meet one of the strategic areas of giving, but the following information must be submitted in the organization’s proposal in one pdf file:
Cover letter that includes the following information: organization’s complete address; amount of funding requested; name of the Westinghouse site this grant request is within 50 miles of; and the Westinghouse strategic area of giving the request falls under and why
Organization’s mission statement
Purpose of the grant
An itemized financial breakdown on how the funds will be used
Schedule of implementation if it’s a program these funds will support
Plans to report results back to Westinghouse
Name of individual in charge of the grant requested and his/her qualifications
A copy of the organization’s nonprofit 501(c)-3 status letter
A copy of the organization’s completed W-9 Federal U.S. form
The program’s demographic breakdown
Names and affiliations of the board of directors or trustees of the organization
Latest audited financial report
List any additional funding streams for the grant
Requests are accepted on a rolling basis.