
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxitssa periculiser ex, nihil expetendis in mei eis an pericula es aperiri deprecatis.


The Inland Empire Grant Collaborative (IEGC) formed in mid-2020 with the purpose to support grant professionals as they connect and learn from each other, tell the Inland Empire story and bring new resources to benefit our communities.


Our members include grant writers from governmental agencies, nonprofits, and the community at large who are committed to collaboratively bringing additional funding to our region. We currently have about 25 regular members and about 50 other organizations who have expressed interest during the collaborative’s development process. Steering committee members represent the County of Riverside, Inland SoCal United Way, and the Academy for Grassroots Organizations. IEGC is member-led.As a new collaborative, IEGC is currently prioritizing two main goals:

Network & Collaboration Building:

We are compiling a list of local funding opportunities and organizational connections for collaboration. The Academy for Grassroots Organizations has graciously offered to add an IEGC section on their website, ienonprofits.com, which will be a place for collaborative members to network and partner while also giving nonprofits without a dedicated grant writer a place to find a competent and experienced consultant that meets their needs. This website is currently being redesigned but once completed will include relevant and timely IEGC information.


Shared Learning with Philanthropic Entities:
In addition to providing a space for collaboration, sharing best practices, and sharing of resources, IEGC plans to invite special guests from various foundations to join in the roundtable of discussions. IEGC hopes to increase funding dialogues and local alliances, changing the dynamic of how resources and information is ultimately shared.


For additional information on IEGC, feel free to contact:


Tammy Mathis
(951) 955-3434


The link to request to join is:


To register as a Grant Writer or find other Grant Writers and Consultants visit:

Hint: Search on the Category Grant Writers