
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxitssa periculiser ex, nihil expetendis in mei eis an pericula es aperiri deprecatis.

01 Apr

California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

  Grant Amount: Maximum Grant Amount: $100,000


The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is accepting applications for ABC Grants to Local Law Enforcement Agencies.
These grants will enable the selected agencies to expand their present efforts in addressing alcohol-related problems through a comprehensive ABC program that will encompass a wide range of strategies. Particular consideration will be given to those agencies that identify and emphasize a strong enforcement effort toward licensed establishments that operate in a disorderly manner, create an undue burden on law enforcement services, or contribute to quality of life problems for the surrounding community. If your agency is selected, your sworn officers assigned to the project will work closely with ABC Agents and receive training in ABC law, alcohol enforcement strategies, and community resources.
General Priority Considerations:
  • To provide funds to projects which operate in a service area with an identifiable alcohol-related problem associated with alcoholic beverage licensed establishments and/or where there is a demonstrated need for services.
  • To provide funds to projects that clearly demonstrate the intent to engage in prevention efforts.
  • To provide funds for projects with the intent to provide continual training to officers on ABC education, prevention, and enforcement measures, so those officers can carry out these programs after the grant cycle has been completed.
  • To distribute awards geographically throughout the State.
Program Specific Considerations:
  • Minor Decoy Programs: Applicants should demonstrate a willingness to conduct Minor Decoy Operations at both On-Sale and Off-Sale locations.
  • Training: Applicants should demonstrate a willingness to host and facilitate a Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) or other Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Class. In some cases, ABC may be able to provide a trainer for a hosted LEAD class but cannot be relied upon to fulfill this objective. Applicants should demonstrate an ability to conduct a class on their own.
  • Coordination with District Attorney’s Office: Applicants should demonstrate that the District Attorney’s or City Attorney’s Office is willing to prosecute ABC related cases.


Local law agencies are eligible to apply.

More Information


  • Criminal Justice Prevention and Victim Services
  • Other / Miscellaneous