
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxitssa periculiser ex, nihil expetendis in mei eis an pericula es aperiri deprecatis.

Marketing & Communications

I have been a published writer and consultant for over 25 years and involved with nonprofits for over 12 years. I am a certified grant writer and received my training at Riverside Community College and the Orange County Non Profit Resource Center. I also have...

WOWIE.CO is a full service web development company. We create awesome websites that help our customers and clients communicate clearly, capture leads, and sell products. We also provide excellent hosting, digital marketing, and SEO services as well. Whatever your needs are, WOWIE...

An "eclectic" resume has provided a broad understanding of varied and interactive fields - without recognizing a dichotomy between sacred and secular work. Serving in corporate and nonprofit worlds, starting my own business, and having extensive community involvements, I've a broad view of the different...

Current research shows that donors are looking to be engaged with the content that nonprofit organizations produce, and for approximately 72 % of donors, poor content affects whether they decide to donate to a nonprofit organization . We help you create engaging content with: Photography and video...

GDA Founders Erica D. Reiter has been in the non-profit field for over 25 years as a senior executive fundraiser and consultant, holding a number of leadership positions including President of San Gabriel Valley Medical Center Foundation, Chief Development Officer for Providence St. Joseph and Holy...

I work with senior executives and board members, especially board leaders, in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their organization and in identifying and meeting the challenges of a changing nonprofit environment. Special areas of expertise include board development, strategic visioning and planning, leadership effectiveness,and...